Highlight InMoov Robotic Prosthetic - Ottawa Maker Faire


In 2013, I had the opportunity to present my contribution to Carleton University’s research work on evaluating the applicability of the InMoov 3D printed prosthetic robotic arm at the Ottawa Maker Faire.

It was a great experience to showcase the project, discuss the development process, highlight potential applications of the arm, and demonstrate how it worked to such a diverse audience. Our project was well received by attendees, and was highlighted by Make Magazine.

InMoov Robotic Arm

The project focused on examining the potential to improve the accessibility of prosthetics for individuals, particularly in low-income areas or developing countries. Traditional prosthetics, at the time, were often prohibitively expensive making them inaccessible to these groups. Leveraging a 3D printed design, aimed to reduce manufacturing costs while maintaining functionality. Secondly, the project demonstrated the feasability of nuanced hand acuation using 3D printed materials. Our work aimed to inspire further research and development in the field of prosthetics, leading to even more innovative and cost-effective solutions for individuals who require prosthetic limbs.

The 3rd Annual Ottawa Maker Faire was held at the Canadian Science and Technology Museum between August 31 - September 1, 2013.

Make Magazine